THE "Pets and Their Rock Stars" PROJECT
I started working on this book late spring 2011. As a photographer I have been mainly shooting children and pets for approximately 4.5 years. I started shooting musicians about two years ago. While volunteering as a photographer at the City shelter (NYCACC) and then for a rescue home in Brooklyn I decided to combine the two subjects into one to create PETS and THEIR ROCKSTARS”
It’s simply about musicians and their pets, catching a sweet, tender or just funny moment between man and his best friend. At the least, the musicians will get a portrait with their special friend while working for a good cause. I hope to be able to raise some money and donate it to abused and neglected animals. With the celebrity likes of Lita Ford, Phil Collen(Def Lepperd), Michael Anthony (Van Halen) and Eddie Money on board, and the possibilities of Jerry lee Lewis & Alice Cooper waiting in the wings; many other Rock Icons are now starting to take their place in line. We don'twant to give away all the goodies now; you’ll have to buy the book for that.
To make a project like this see the light of day it is very time consuming and costly. I am working on this project without a publishing company or private investors to financially back it. I have a projected time right now of 2-3 years based on the amount of people I need to still photograph and the cost to do so. The hardest part? Waiting and dealing with celebrities recording and touring schedules. The second hardest part is the cost to travel to meet with them when they are available. I would love for this book to be on the shelves much sooner than later and that can only happen if I raise the money and make it happen. Anyone interested in discussing the possibilities of publishing or investing, please contact me.
(See contact info )